This section offers a selection of publications related to the exhibitions program linked to the phenomenon of Post-conceptual Figuration, accompanied by a data sheet and a selection of published texts, accessible via an alphabetical search. The addition of new contents will be on-going.









Juan lagardera


Xàtiva. Valencia 1958




Cultural advisor, editor, curator and strategic consultant.

Director of the Club Diario Levante (Levante news room) exhibition room (Valencia, 1990-1999).

He has worked as a journalist for newspapers such as Noticias al Día (Valencia), Las Provincias (Valencia) and Levante-EMV (Valencia).

Organiser of the Muelle de Levante (Levante Pier) exhibition.



Select curated:

La ciudad moderna. Arquitectura racionalista en Valencia (IVAM, Valencia 1999).

Ramón Esteve. Desde la arquitectura (IVAM, Valencia 2010).

Vivir en la arquitectura. A-cero: Joaquín Torres & Rafael Llamazares (IVAM, Valencia 2012).

Francesc Guillamet. El bodegón recuperado (IVAM, Valencia).