This section offers a selection of publications related to the exhibitions program linked to the phenomenon of Post-conceptual Figuration, accompanied by a data sheet and a selection of published texts, accessible via an alphabetical search. The addition of new contents will be on-going.


Los esquizos de Madrid (The schizos of Madrid)

Madrid 2009



Title: Los esquizos de Madrid. Figuración madrileña de los 70 (The schizos of Madrid. Madrileña Figuration 70s)

Space: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid

Dates: Juny-september 2009

Curator(s): María Escribano, Iván López Munuera and Juan Pablo Wert Ortega

Artists: Jaime Aledo, Carlos Alcolea, Chema Cobo, Carlos Forns Bada, Carlos Franco, Luis Gordillo, Sigfrido Martín Begué, Herminio Molero, Rafael Pérez-Mínguez, Guillermo Pérez Villalta and Manolo Quejido

Tour: Fundación Suñol, Barcelona, October 2009-january 2010. CAAC, Sevilla, January-april 2010




catalog of the exhibition


Los esquizos de Madrid (The schizos of Madrid)> SELECTED Works